Dear Guest,

Hereby we have to inform you, that we will renovate our hotels: Béke, Flóra. The renovation works will last for a longer period whilst the hotel is kept closed. We ask for your patience and kind understanding. Thank you for choosing us so far, stay our loyal customer during the time of renovation, which will allow us to welcome you in an embellished and fully renovated hotel.

Spa and therapy

After a large investment, a new curative and wellness centre was established in our hotel. The guests of the hotel are able to use the extended curative treatments in a renewed, modern and quality environment. The treatments assisting in recovery, the cure-like (1-2 or several week-long) application of which provide great help in the reestablishment of our guests’ medical condition.

On the basis of a specialist doctor’s examination, the following treatments can be utilised:

  • Medical curative massage
  • Physico-therapy treatments
  • Tangentor / hydro-massage
  • Bubble-bath
  • Parafangó – curative mud treatment
  • Rehabilitative and conditioning curative gymnastics
  • Group water-gymnastics

Experienced doctors and well-qualified staff look after the guests. The customised treatments and the assembly of special cure packages are preceded by an evaluation of the condition; thus the number of possible variations is endless. More and more people opt for a healthy way of life and they know that the natural curative methods can promote recovery without side-effect.

As is shown by experience the following diseases may be successfully treated by medicinal water:

  • joint diseases (chronic)
  • spinal diseases
  • diseases of bones, muscles and tendons
  • among diseases of the nervous system: neuritis, neuralgia etc.
  • metabolic diseases, locomotor disorders (gout, diabetic diseases)
  • manifestation of connective tissue and skin diseases in joints
  • diseases of female genital organs (disordered menstruation, sterility, chronic inflammation)
  • disturbances in the vegetative nervous system, roboration of the state of exhaustion

Contraindictions to taking the waters:

  • circulatory disturbances accompained by cardiac insufficiency
  • advanced stages of cerebal arteriosclerosis
  • serious coronary diseases
  • phlebitis: thrombosis and thrombophlebitis before the state of complete calm
  • loss of consciousness occuring in the from of fits
  • expressed cases of hypertension
  • serious diseases of blood-forming organs: severe form of anaemia, states of haemophilia, leukaemia
  • expressed cases of hyperthyroidism
  • bronchial asthma
  • acute and subacute genital diseases
  • diseases definitely requiring surgical intervention
  • febrility, whatever its cause may be
  • infectious diseases
  • increased general physical weakness
  • in the 1st to 4th months of pregnancy
  • malignant tumours or suspicion of same
  • disgusting skin diseases

The hotel has its own medical wing which can be entered through a covered passageway. The following medical treatments are available for the guests: Physician's examinations (rheumathologist, internal specialist), medical massage, medical gymnastics (individual, group, underwater), hydrotherapy (underwater jet massage), electrotherapy (ultra-sound, galvanic current, iontophoresis, diadynamic current, sollux interference current, four-cell galvanic bath, short wave, fango mud-pack), physiotherapy, cryotherapy.